How much does it cost to send out casting?? Ballpark figure.
What about getting rubber molds made? Thanks.
For Gold, you can figure paying about 8% more than spot + a
flask charge that varys with the casting house. Silver is usually
double spot + flask. I’ve never had to cast platinum, so I
couldn’t tell you there. The same goes for having molds made, it
depends on the rubber they will use, and how intricate the piece
is. There are others in the group who do their own
casting/moldmaking who I’m sure could give you a way better
feel, depending on the specifics of your pieces. Tim Goodwin
How much does it cost to send out casting?? Ballpark figure.
What about getting rubber molds made? Thanks.
The company I deal with charges material +. In order to figure
the weight of the finished piece, multiply your wax weight times
13.5 (assuming 14k finished piece). The company I deal with
charges roughly $10 - $11 per gram, depending on the price of
gold and them another $5 - $15 for casting charge depending on
the piece. I understand that they are a little high on their
prices, but they have a good track record with me as far as
quality. They also charge about $45 for a rubber mold.
Unrelated subject to cost, keep in mind if you are doing a wax
that you will have cast into a master model & molded, that the
initial casting shrinks compared to the wax and the injected wax
from the mold shrinks some more, and the castings from that wax
shrinks some more. Be careful is you are incorporating settings
into your design. I still haven’t wuite gotten the hang of how
much shrinkage to expect. Maybe someone else can add to that
Good luck.
Sharon Ziemek
GoldStones, Inc.