Casting a fossil in silver

My grandkids recently challenged me to make a fossil into a piece of jewelry. In a previous life I wrote a lot of technical manuals. This was in the day when you used scissors, tape, and glue to assemble the master and stat cameras and off set printers to print them. Now all you need is a decent digital camera and a free piece of software to assemble the master on, in my case, a $200 chromebook and a cheap printer to print it.

Not having anyone interested in learning what I know, I have decided to follow Gerry’s example and I have started to put in writing and pictures what I know so that, in the future, if anyone wants to use my shop, they will have some instructional manuals to use.

Following is a link to my first effort. I need to figure out a way to take better pictures, but for now these will have to do. Actually, I need someone else to take the pictures while I work. Let me know what you think…Rob


Wonderful instruction! It’s very easy to understand and the photographs really work well. Thank you so much!


Great tutorial! Thank you! The photos are really good, don’t think you need to worry about that. I appreciate the time your took to make the tutorial. I wish I had the means to travel to all the great jewelers on here that have offered classes or workshops. This is the next best thing.