
Hey everybody… I do not chime in enough on Orchid… anyhow, I notice
a lot of threads about casters. I have been to 99% of all the
casters/contractors in NYC… They are mostly all good but very
inconsistent. Production pieces that come out great first time casted
and polish will look like crap other times. the one caster I have
found who has been consistently great, helpful and has given me a lot
of great tips is RaceCar Jewelry. Dan Grandi the owner is an orhid
member- he is not located in New York- but hey it saves my a lot of
time when I can just drop off my work at fed ex, instead of hauling my
butt to 47th Street.


Can any give me the address of Racecar Jewelry I believe that they
are metal casters? You can email me off line at

thankyou, Jennifer