Gee, I did open a can of worms concerning my set up, Sorry.
I set the fire bricks 2 high criss-crossed, drilled 2 1"dia. holes
from the side then from the top, then with the torch head coming in
from the side, the flame deflecting upwards I’ve added a 2" x 2 flask
to further divert the flame, By the way my flasks are made of 2"
automotive exhaust pipe, cut as needed and ground flat. Then the
flower pot is wrapped in aluminum foil to help hold it together as it
breaks over multiple uses. I’m on my 10th to 12th++ burnout on one
pot, but have a spare ready…
The U channel beam is 6" wide by 2" tall x ~1/4" material
approximately 7" long (size as found). A hole is drilled through the
large face where the vacuum is admitted by an adapter.
Concerning the glass lid, it worried me at first but after hours of
use, no problem. CORRECTION & NOTICE & DISCLAIMER My lid is not
glass, I believe the Corning “Visions Cookware” is not truely glass,
but a clear ceramic product, simular to what used in the Space
Shuttles (reportedly 11 of 12 of the Challangers clear ceramic windows
servived in usable factory spec condition to the ocean bottom!). I’ve
seen Visions pans go through tortures metal pans would not. Still when
I can find 1’2 thick plexiglass I’ll gladdly switch. . .
Compresor oil - - I use Walmart/K-Mart Air compressor oil though the
vac table as noise dictates (crude). I just adapted the wiring from
the A/C (I have much auto electrical experiance). As far as the
output I don’t use as compressor so I blow the oil into 2 liter soda
bottle, I may recycl/reuse this oil after I get more.
Yes, if the A/C is still preasurized let a pro reclaim the freon a
drop of freon in the eye WILL blind, frozen eyeballs are not
recoverable, ever. One drop of freon will freeze the eye (so I’ve been
taught). Plus freon is a so-called green house / ozone killer?
I hope this coves most remaining gaps.
Oh, the vegitarian crack, sorry if it offended, I’m semi-vegitarian
Note From Ganoksin Staff:
Looking for an air compressor for your jewelry projects? We recommend: