Hi guys, First of all I wish to thank all those of you that responded
to my request for on this subject, and for those of you
who just watch these posts here is the follow up.
Of all the replies and suggestions I got, I went with the one sent
to me by Michael R. Mathews Sr. from Victoria,Texas USA . His
suggestion was to cut through the setting from top to bottom, prise
it open slightly, and pop out the cameo. Solder it back together and
rework the setting to refit the shell. This is exactly what I did . I
bought some extra fine 8/0 Vallorbe saw blades, (I got 24 as I felt
sure I would break some, but in the end I didn’t break any), which
left me with the least amount of metal removed with the cut, I then
used a case knife to open up the cut slightly and pushed the cameo
out from behind. I soldered it back together with hard solder,
tidied up the inside of the bezel with a graver, I soldered on the
shank which was made from a bevel edged wedding band which I had
split at the top and cut to make a V, I used medium solder here. I
polished it up and reset the cameo. It needed only a slight amount
removed from the lower part of the shell to fit back safe and tight.
Job done.
Again my thanks to all who replied, and to the watchers out there,
if there is anything you need to know relating to the jewellery
industry, all you have to do is ask, there is always someone in the
Orchid community who has prior knowledge or a probable solution.
Keep up the good work, “Go raibh mile maith agat” ( "Thanks " in
Irish) Neil KilBane Longford, Ireland.