Shaw Jewelry in Northeast Harbor, Maine is soliciting submissions for
an exhibition opportunity called “POP - ART, CHAMPAGNE UNCORKED”
Artists and jewelers are invited to create a piece of jewelry from
the items that make up a champagne bottle. These include the cork,
bail, tin and label and glass.
Some findings can be used such as pin backs or ear posts. This show
was inspired by the Champagne Chair show hosted by Design Within
Reach Please visit Design Within Reach | The Best In Modern Furniture and Design and click on “see
the runners up”
The date of the show is July 5 - 18, 2007 and there will be a
champagne reception on July 5. A small book will be made of the 20
most interesting entries, and all participants will receive a copy.
The show is limited to the first 50 entries.
Please email me for more @sam_shaw
Thank you,
Sam Shaw