Reminder to all High School Metals Teachers:
Call for Entries
2009 National High School Metals Exhibition February
20 to March 20, 2009
DEADLINE: Wednesday, February 11, 2009 —ONLY THREE WEEKS AWAY.
Download pdf Entry Form/Prospectus from
The Fine Arts Center, a preeminent fine arts magnet high school in
Greenville, SC, invites high school students to submit their best
artwork made in the mediums of metal, jewelry, and enamel for
exhibition the Sheffield Wood Gallery, a beautiful space adjoining
the main lobby of our brand new building. The goal is to make this
an eagerly-anticipated biennial event that highlights the
accomplishments of students and teachers at the high school level,
to showcase how these media can be used to achieve artistic
expression, and to generate interest in and excitement about the
fields of metals and enameling. I expect it will be a beautiful
show, and I’m still working hard to get more award money for student
There are also some nice awards for TEACHERS of winning students,
Rio Grande will award two $100 gift certificates, to the 1st Place
winning student and to their teacher. Society of North American
Goldsmiths will award the teacher of student who wins Best of Show
in Metal a free membership and SNAG Conference fee waiver, the
teacher of 1st Place student a free membership to SNAG, and all
participating teachers free copies of Metalsmith magazines. Lark
Books will award six of their 500 series books to students and
teachers. Many other institutions have been approached and are likely
to donate, including 3M and Art Jewelry Magazine.
After the exhibition opens, for an article about
the exhibition, and our website for photos of the
gallery and details of work on display.
Katy Bergman Cassell