500 Enameled Objects
Juror: Sarah Perkins
Editor: Marthe Le Van
Lark Books seeks images to publish in a juried collection of
international studio jewelry and metal art to be released in Spring
Approximately 420 pages in length, the book will be an image-driven
international collection of contemporary enamel art and jewelry
design. We hope 500 Enameled Objects will inspire artists and art
enthusiasts alike by documenting the current and evolving vitality of
the medium.
All jewelry forms will be considered, as will hollowware, vessels,
sculptures, wall art, and installations. Diverse designs, materials,
and techniques are desired, from the traditional to the avant-garde.
We accept high-quality transparencies, slides, and digital images.
No entry fee is required. Artists whose work is selected for
inclusion will receive full acknowledgment within the book, a
complimentary copy, and discounts on the purchase of books. Artists
retain copyright of their work.
Submissions must be postmarked by March 14.
Guidelines and entry forms are now available. On the web:
We look forward to receiving your entries!