When I started to learn channel setting I bought several silver
rings with room for 15-30 stones apiece and got the required 2 to 3
mm CZ’s from Rio. The rings were, maybe $3 each and the stones
maybe $10 - 20 (I forget), so I won’t have that much invested and
the items could be given as gifts or sold. Gold, of course, will
work just a little differently, but this will give you practce in
the basic skills. You could also set some cheap colored stones in
silver rings and that would probably be more saleable — depends
on what you are trying to learn.
Roy (Jess)
Hi Greg,
If you’re looking for a source of inexpensive stores for setting
practice you might try;
Edward Kalfayan & Co
PO Box 571403
Tarzan CA 91357
He handles lots of different colored stones in all size, shapes &
qualityI was in the same boat as you some time back & bought a
huge bag full of assorted sizes & shapes of topaz for about $30.00
if I remember right.
I figured if I could learn to set topaz without breaking them I’d
have a good start on stone setting.
Good luck,
Greg If you wish to use brass rings for stone setting call
Fargotstein at 1-800-238-9226. They have a complete set of videos
on stone setting and jewelry repair. They also have a catalog
called “The Bench Jeweler” and its worth being on their mailing
list to see what they put on sale. They are located in Memphis
Tennessee and also offer work shops from April to July (although
you said you weren’t interested in work shops). (The work shops are
on diamond setting and jewelry repair geared to the trade more
than to the artist who does one- of- a- kind. )
Personally, I would take Roy’s suggestion and use silver. Much
nicer to work with and not that more expensive.
Dolores, New Jersey