Brain Press Orchid Winter book perk

Hi All,

Wanted to offer Orchid members our annual Holiday treat: (this is
early so we can still surface mail to folks before year’s end)

20% off my books to Orchid members who identify themselves as members

The Jewelry Workshop Safety Report
Cheap Thrills in the Tool Shop
Hinges and Hinge-Based Catches for Jewelers and Goldsmiths
Small Scale Photography (as a book and video set or just the book)
Fold-Forming Introduction
Patinas for Small Scale Studios
Gold Applications Techniques
Making a Draw Bench

If you want them autographed to someone particular just ask…

For descriptions see our ganoksin page at:

Contact us OFF-LIST at @Charles_Lewton-Brain

best wishes


Charles Lewton-Brain
Box 1624, Ste M, Calgary, Alberta, T2P 2L7, Canada