Borax & Alcohol flux mixture

Hi Karen,

Another popular name for the denatured alcohol is fuel for a marine
stove. It is sold that way also here in the states for that purpose.
On the following link, there were several other names for the product
on page four of four.

In different countries, there can be several different names for the
exact same product. Good luck.

Beth Katz
Paste solder and Powder Solder for Jewelers and Metalsmiths

“Denatured alcohol” is alcohol not good to drink - either because
it is intrinsically poisonous or because it has been treated to
render it undrinkable - and the name is suposed to clue people in to
that fact, so they don’t go around drinking shellac thinner etc.
Perversely, however, the name implies that there alcohol which is
"natural" to drink, (I suppose “natured”) alcohol. And it may very
well be natural to drink the stuff - no judgement on my part is
implied. I do it often.

Anyway - to answer the question -

“Shellac thinner” is generally what the “denatured” name is applied
to - which also is sold by its own name “methanol” or under other
names such as “gas line de-icer” Same stuff at wildly different
prices. Ask for methanol or shellac thinner at the paint store. 20

NOT lacquer thinner, NOT paint thinner.

You probably can also use isopropyl (rubbing) alcohol but it often
contains 30% water which interferes with the burn-off.

Marty in Victoria BC

    Another popular name for the denatured alcohol is fuel for a
marine stove. It is sold that way also here in the states for that
purpose. On the following link, there were several other names for
the product on page four of four. 

It’s one way to recognize the stuff, but I can tell you from
experience, if you buy denatured alcohol labeled as marine stove
fuel, you’ll probably pay almost twice as much as if you just bought
it as “denatured alcohol” from a hardware store.

Barb Baur