First off I’m not trying to start a fight. What I want to do is
educate people there is a difference between fear and caution.
Please orchid people put this link in the proper format [PDF file]
Please read the MSDS. Then as a professor of mine pointed out when
we all got scared over some chemicals we were working with, said.
Know what strengths they are talking about. Know what organism was
tested. Know how the chemical was introduced to that organism.
This MSDS, and all were basically the exact same thing, has the
exposures separated by two forms. Acute and overexposure. acute would
be anything from pure form to diluted and for a brief time period.
Overexposure is for a prolong period with a more pure form. Over
exposure is also in the case of all MSDS’s comes out to if you drank
the substance, snorted the pure form, or got bathed for quite a while
in the chemical.
Given how these sheets are often interpretted, it is easy to get
Selenium that we use in metal working is a diluted form. It is in
solution so we are not really going to be breathing it. I personally
may look like a dying fish, but I have yet to reopen the pharengeal
(sp) gill slits I was born with, I’m not breathing the liquid. Next
is the ingesting it.
Personally the expanse of my posterior grew from eating things much
better tasting and looking than selenium. But I can say that weekly I
do ingest a pill of selenium for my health (who’d a thunk it). As to
skin exposure, it is an irritant to sensitive people. There are
people who are sensitive to water. After all water is a horrible
solvent, just ask Dana Point California who banned Di Hydro Monoxide
out of fear of the solvent. The amount of exposure you will get from
selenium in the form we use it, is going to be very slight on the
skin. If someone develops itching and a rash, wear gloves. If not,
you are not going to die from what we as jewelers are exposed to.
As far as being called a mutagen it does not go into any details on
the MSDS I have access to right now. Some on line call it a mutagen,
and others don’t mention it. My MSDS book is in sotrage in Utah. But
it is nice to see that although it is called a carcinogen in some
states (California), it is not listed as one by the government. It
also lists a lot of possible damage to different parts of our body,
but again read under what category it is listed. It is listed under
the overexposure section.
To sum up again, we as jewelers need not worry about the amounts of
selenium we are exposed to for the period of time we handle it.
There are also those of us who take selenium supplements because we
have low levels.
The amounts they gave the rats in the studies they conducted smack
of the 60’s experiments and the amounts they gave rats of artificial
sweeteners back then. Those amounts on a lab rat, are huge. We are
not lab rats.
Yes be cautious. We don’t need black fingernails from the staining.
We don’t need our clothes stained. Back when I tried to fight my
white hair, I loved having my head bathed in a partial solution of
Aggie wishing she didn’t need a bottle for red hair