Black stains on soldered areas of silver Orings


I have the Orings of my silver jewelry soldered by someone who uses
a pulse arc welder, and I’m getting black stains.

Any idea why this is happening? Would I avoid the problem if I had
them soldered with a laser welder?

Thank you for your advice

Hi Seb.

Your black stain is probably from the gas mixture on the TIG welder.
A really cool way yo deal with this is to put Bicarb of Soda (Baking
Soda) a tea spoon is fine and drip water to make a paste. Rub the
rings between your thumb and finger and the stain will be gone.
Rinse off the items in water and that is that. Great for silver
soldered charms on bracelets etc. Cheers. John S.

We get black stains by laer. I just clean it off and then polish.
Ciao, Jo-Ann Donivan