To follow up on an old, beaten-to-death string, I stumbled upon a
rust preventer/lubricant that was developed by Boeing Aviation.
It’s called Boeshield T9, and is a solvent and paraffin wax
formula, as opposed to silcon-based or teflon. That means it dries
completely in a few minutes, as opposed to leaving a slimy film on
everything. I’ve never tried it, but I think I’m going to get some.
The kit is not cheap @ $26.95, but contains (1) 8 oz. rust remover
pump spray, (1) 12 oz. T90 aerosol spray, and (1) 8 oz. blade and
bit pump spray. If anyone is interested, s/he can order it through
the Tool Crib of the North at 1-800-358-3096, Model T900DP.
On the subject of mounting pearls, I was reading Thomas Gentille’s
"Step-by-Step Jewelry" last night, and he suggested twisting
square wire to use as a peg, then gluing. That would eliminate the
need to thread the post. Sounded like a good idea to me.
Chris in Waynesville