So far we have 33 people who have responded saying that they would
like to attend the Big Apple Orchid meeting/dinner. We are also
going to have a silent auction. So far three Orchidians have
generously agreed to donate items for the silent auction; Helen
Malchow, Diane Sadel & Kate Wolf. My thanks to them for helping to
make this a successful event and in helping to raise some money to
help Hanuman with the expenses of keeping this wonderful community
alive. If any others would like to donate an item for this auction
please contact me directly. I met with Kenneth Singh yesterday and
we are finalizing plans with a restaurant in the jewelry district.
For those of you attending the MJSA show, there is a free shuttle
bus that will leave you off near the restaurant.
So please join us for what, I hope, will be a once or twice a year
get together in the Big Apple. Let me know if you can attend. Monday,
March 11th beginning at 6:30 - 7:00 PM. The cost is going to be
about $30 per person. Joel
Joel Schwalb