Joel has been working hard for this event. We have chosen to have
this meeting at
39 West 46th St. New York NY 10036.
(212) 719 4015.
on Monday after the MJSA New York show at 7 pm.
Shuttle buses from the show can bring you to this jewelry district.
Street parking starts at 7.00pm ($1.00 per hour). The dinner &
meeting cost $30.00. Please contact Joel. He is maintaining the
member/guest list and the payments etc.
We may have a few guest speakers but we will have many FRIENDS. Some
we may have met before but SEE for the first time.
If you are in the area please do come & bring a friend and share the
joys of being an ORCIHDIAN. We may have to turn down last minute
reservation as capacity is limited. I suggest you should inform if
you do not want to be disappointed.