Hi Nancy
I have a couple of ways to handle this, Since I cut and polish a lot
of my own stones I run into problems like this fairly regularly.
The easy one is to make a regular bezel and then cut out most of the
back (drill a hole in the back, thread the saw blade through and saw
out the center of the bezel. That’s easy because it provides a
"shelf" to support the stone.
A trickier method is just to use thin bezel wire and burnish is down
very tight on the stone, overlapping the widest part so some of the
bezel is above the wide poin and some is below it.
The third method is to wire wrap the stone.
You probably want to use a dab of jeweler’s exposy (the transparent
stuff) to make sure the stone stays in the setting. Don’t use CA
(crazy glue) since it’s shock sensitive.