Bench mark data

We are a large scale jewellery manufacturer located in south India
with a trained manpower of around 250 people. We largely doing
studded 18kt in the factory. As an improvement initiative in the
manufacturing. Our team has taken 3 key parameters to Bench mark with
the best in the industry around the world.

The parameters are

  1. Productivity - in terms of No.of stones per day per employee, and
    grams per day per employee or any other relevant measurement. ( We
    have a measurement of Notional product - time taken for each
    operation converted in to NP)

  2. Quality - In terms of return per thousand from customer, or any
    other relevant measurement.( We have de-merit rating as a measurement
    from an internal audit)

  3. Cost of outsourcing : In terms of cost per gram and cost per
    stone set for diamond, precious and semi precious stones in 18 kt
    gold, both cast route and hand made.

I request the Orchid members to help me out to get any one or all of
the data above.

Thanks in advance , we will some time share with the forum some
exciting experience from the shop floor when we implemented the Lean
manufacturing systems in our Factory.


We are a large scale jewellery manufacturer located in south India
with a trained manpower of around 250 people. We largely doing
studded 18kt in the factory. As an improvement initiative in the
manufacturing. Our team has taken 3 key parameters to Bench mark
with the best in the industry around the world.

The parameters are

  1. Productivity - in terms of No.of stones per day per employee, and
    grams per day per employee or any other relevant measurement. ( We
    have a measurement of Notional product - time taken for each
    operation converted in to NP)

  2. Quality - In terms of return per thousand from customer, or any
    other relevant measurement.( We have de-merit rating as a
    measurement from an internal audit)

  3. Cost of outsourcing : In terms of cost per gram and cost per stone
    set for diamond, precious and semi precious stones in 18 kt gold,
    both cast route and hand made.

I request the Orchid members to help me out to get any one or all of
the data above.

Thanks in advance , we will some time share with the forum some
exciting experience from the shop floor when we implemented the Lean
manufacturing systems in our Factory. Regards, Rajendran.G