I’m currently looking for a local refiner, as the cost of sending
scrap overseas is getting higher; I have asked around but haven’t
received much that is of any real use to me.
Some particulars of the metals I need processed: sterling silver as
scrap and sweeps, gold as scrap and sweeps, platinum as scrap and
sweeps and finally palladium as scrap (trace in previously mentioned
sweeps), there is also a significant amount of general bench sweeps
which is highly mixed, but with little to no iron.
I don’t generate a large amount of scrap as I’m a relatively small
operator (only one bench, so I usually only send out scrap once per
year), but I do want to reclaim the value that is currently locked up
in my scraps.
So anyone have any suggestions? If not I will be sending the current
lot to a refiner in the US (I won’t mention names) from whom I buy
metals anyway.
I'm currently looking for a local refiner, as the cost of sending
scrap overseas is getting higher;
Hi Thomas, I use Peter W Beck pty ltd in South Australia and am very
happy with results. Apecs in Victoria do refining too and sometimes
offer deals re the cost to people at the jewellery fairs, worth
checking out, and a few in the eastern states but I haven’t used
I'm currently looking for a local refiner, as the cost of sending
scrap overseas is getting higher;
I cant think of a single reason to have to send it overseas. There
are more than enough options to do it here. Where do you buy your
alloy from. Chances are they do it. What state are you in? I am in
Victoria. Let me know if you need some contact detail of refiners.