Advertising options, 2021 edition

There are so many on-line options for doing business of any type it has become ponderous to wade through those waters. I have to remind myself that what works best for some isn’t going to work best for others. And what works in the simplest manner works best for me.

Social Media has certainly changed the way we communicate. And by extension how many of us do business. Facebook as an easy platform for staying in-touch with family, re-connecting with lost friends, and posting calendars and announcements is undeniable. That said I worry about too much exposure. It is hard enough to manage a website for my jewelry and two bands as well as facebook pages for the same. I don’t need to further complicate my life with Instagram.

Like my brother I use WIX as a platform for my on-line catalog and show room. (

And like Rob’s, mine is a continual work in progress. But I don’t do any business there other than to tell a little family history, explain how to size and buy, and show the jewelry that I make. I transact no business on this site other than to say “Contact me at… .” Prices are not mentioned except to say lever backs on earrings are an up charge. This is a process I may eventually have to rethink but for now simple is better.

The same with my Facebook presence. I use Facebook only to announce shows I will be doing and to show off new pieces and what is currently under construction. As Rob said the best advertising we have is on the wrists of nearly 80 years of customers for my family’s jewelry.

Don Meixner

Hello everyone.

I have been listening to a lot of podcasts about starting up a new small business. I have been enjoying episodes of “the How of Business by Henry Lopez”

Today I listened to a great conversation about search engine optimization, which is very relevant to this conversation.

Please check out Episode 376.
