Hello to all the Ganoksin subscribers
I wish to show a new material coming from west sumatra;most of it is
Idocrase but sometimes it comes out with some hydrogrossular garnet
mixed It comes from Dharmasraya regency and is found as deposits in
limestones and serpentines; sometimes also as boulders in Batanghari
river Sometimes comes out a very rare pink colour cause of Manganesum
content In the same area there are lot of Garnet and manganese and
gold mining
In my flickr account can be seen some gemstones made from these
stone: Sungai Dareh | Flickr
Here can be seen some rough material
I sell sumatra Stones in http://www.ganoksin.com/gnkurl/ep7zot
I am Spanish collector and trader of gemstones
I live in Menorca island
Best wishes to all
Alex Escobar Mercadal