I’m clearing out space in my studio and have the following items for
sale. Many are still in shrink wrap. Buyer pay’s actual shipping:
Push Play for PMC: Intermediate Techniques by Celie Fago & Time
McCreight * Reg $69.96 asking $30.00 * Precious Metal Clay Silver in
No Time series by Linda Bernstein regular $29.95 per video for $15.00
each * Volume 1 The Beginners Workshop * Volume 2 The intermediate
Workshop * Advanced Volume 1: Glass Enamel and Dichroic Glass *
Advanced Volume 2: Vessels and Leaves * Advanced Volume 3: PMC Gold*
Rio Grande Video Basic Soldering Techniques $29.95 for $10.00
Brad Simon Stone setting complete set including: A ringing
Accomplishment, Don’t Give 'Em A Break, Getting to the Point, A
Crowning Achievement, A Royal Flush, Full set regular $99.95 yours
$45.00 *
HattieS Contemporary Metal Clay 1: Fundamental tools & Techniques 2
DVD set $39.95 yours for only $20.00 *
Creative Metal Clay Jewelry Techniques, Projects, Inspiration by
CeCe Wire Hardback: was $27.95 yours for $15.00 * Art Clay Silver &
Gold by Jackie Truty was $21.95 yours for $10.00 * Precious Metal
Clay in Mixed Media by Mary Ann Devos Was $23.95 new yours for $10.00
- The Art of Metal Clay by Sherri Haab was $21.95 yours for $10.00. *
Email me with your requests and I will fulfill on a first come first
pay basis. Lynn at a-bella dot com