I have found that only matrix can meet the most variety of needs.
It is a good program, you are true. Until now, we have always used
it in the compagny I work for. But we discovered a new one. What i
don’t like in matrix is that you often need to use Rhino, and Rhino
isn’t really a solid modeler. in add, Matrix isn’t “parametric”
it has only “wizards”…
I went to the websight you provided for 3 design . Many of the tools and functionality are the same as in matrix/rhino.
So, this software could suit your need as you like Matrix, you will
like 3design!
This program did not look very creative in nature. What I mean by that is the library of shanks and parts seemed to basic, uncreative, and simple.
Indeed it looks simple or basic because its interface is pleasant
not so complex as most CAD programs. There are 2 solutions, my
company bought the 1st one and i rent (for my personnal use) the
As you said, the choice of a program depends on who you are:
manufacturer, retailer, designer…
David Chang.