Did someone ask about plans for a homemade vacuum pump here ?
Hi Mike,
Thank you, thank you. I downloaded the whole thing and will
give it a shot.
I very much appreciate your making this info available.
Nina - Silver Design, 9122 S. Federal Hwy, Suite 249,
Pt. St. Lucie, FL. 34952 : Toll Free:1-888-460-1800
URL: http://www.nina-sd.com : Email: @Nina
← end of posting →
Mike McKim wrote:
Did someone ask about plans for a homemade vacuum pump here ?
While this setup is probably ideal for building aircraft, it is
a bit under powered for jewelry investing and casting. A vein
type auto air conditioner pump with a 1/2 hp motor should
evacuate a bell jar in less than 30 seconds. The one I built took
about 15 seconds to evacuate an oversized bell jar. A
refrigeration pump will take quite a bit longer, and wont have
the sufficient cfm air volume for casting anything but the very
smallest flask.
Robin Casady
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