Hi Gang,
Sorry to be sooo tardy with this report on the Tucson Trekker’s
Reunion. There’s just too many places to go & too much to do &
see during the show.
Fifteen of us gathered for dinner at Lilies in the Downtown
Holiday Inn. We were all much better looking in person, than our
mental images of each other (BG). We socialized until everyone
arrived & then got down to the serious business of eating.
After dinner we each described some of our interests &
Lloyd brought some examples of his exquisite chain work & some
genuine sterling granulation (the balls weren’t soldered on).
Those in attendance were:
Candy Glaze
Elizabeth Bowlin
Joan & Steve Dulla
Lloyd Butterfield
Harry Butterfield
Gayle Morris
Richard & Marion Laspada
David Horn
Susan Cenoweth
Dorthy Karuga
Cindy Moore
Dave & Jan Arens
Next year let’s see if we can at least double the size of the group!
See you in Tucson in '98 for the Tucson Trekker’s Reunion.