About the Jewelry Gallery category

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A post was merged into an existing topic: Cheryl Lombard Designs

A post was merged into an existing topic: Cheryl Lombard Designs

Keeping it interesting
Designing earrings is often simply making a mirror of your design. Creating symmetry can also be achieved by including the wearer in the lines of the piece in an asymmetric way. Imagine how the eye travels, what pops in your piece and then draw the viewer through the work. Creating asymmetric earrings is fun and challenging and invites the viewer to interact with their jewelry in a different way.


Great pieces,
Funky, fun and wonderful detailing…
You make “Happy Jewelry” (makes me smile…)

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Thanks Jim! :grinning:

I quite like your pieces, and I also recently tried some asymmetrical pairs- which do get attention from browsers when I show them. A good thing,

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Hi Everyone!! I am so glad to be a part of this community! I have been design ing jewelry for over 24+ years. I love exotic gems and my handmade pieces are one of kind, whimsical and not rushed. I really enjoy seeing the unique designs posted here, so much talent and mastery. Niceee!
